
Friday, August 30, 2013

Quote of the Month for September

I had to change the quote of the month early because I won't have very good access to a computer on Sunday. (Agh! :P JK)  ;)

These verses are ones I've come to like. They're from one of my favorite chapters in the Bible and they give me hope that one day I will see my Savior face to face! (*happy dance*) Oh, what a glorious day that will be!! :D (Click on the "One Bright Corner" button on the right sidebar to read a post about the mirror verses.)

They also reflects what's going to happen in less than 9 days. (Not that anyone's counting... *innocent face*)

Yes, according to the world, I will no longer be given kids menus... :P i.e. I'll be an adult. ;)

I'm super excited for this new phase of life!! Perhaps a little timid at what might possibly lie ahead, but I know God will direct my steps and make my path straight. He will be a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. He did not give me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self discipline.  I'm trusting in Him with all my heart and leaning not on my own understanding! :) Please pray for me as I enter into "adulthood".

God bless you this lovely day! :D


  1. Happy Birthday Madi!
    May God richly bless you as you enter this new season of life for His glory. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. This is a very exciting time in your life and you are (and will!) be in my prayers. :)
    The best part of adulthood: Telling your siblings, "Well, I am an adult!"
    The worst part of adulthood: You're not a kid anymore! (Okay, so I am being a little sarcastic. ;) )

    One thing that you will realize more and more each day... is how fast time flies. "For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." James 4:14
    Life. Is. Short. It's what you do for Christ that will matter. Knowing that we are ambassadors for Christ, that we have a purpose, that we have a calling, will help us live in a way that is pleasing to the Lord. And I know you will do just that.

    Happy Birthday, my friend!

    (P.S. When I was young, I always thought coffee was something that only adults got to drink. Unfortunately, I found that the beverage has been forbidden from me, even though I am an adult!
    I'll let you figure out why... :D )

    1. Thanks Bethany! LOL...thanks for the heads-up. :P

      IKR! It's so true. Thanks for the reminder. :)

      LOL...Yes, I can guess why. I'm compiling a list (in my head, so most likely it will get lost) of reasons why *not* to drink coffee. :P #1 it's nasty. :P Maybe I should start a weekly post on here of reasons why not to drink coffee and y'all can refute them. ;) What do ya think?? :P

    2. Well, I've been told that if I were to drink caffeinated coffee... it would be dangerous. People think it would make me 10 times more wild--no, 100 times worse (I'm really not that bad) than I actually am. :P The bad part? That only makes me curious. Now what would happen if I drank it??? One day I'm going to give it a try... and experiment... just to see the results. ;)

      Hm, so if you think coffee is nasty............... oh the possibilities!!! :P

      I don't really have a preference on coffee; never had enough to know my opinion on it!

    3. lol...Maybe coffee would have the opposite effect on you that it has on most people and in that case, you *should* drink it! ;)
      You could always drink De-caff if you liked it but didn't care for the "effects". :P

      I *love* coffe flavored candy and coffee ice-cream is my FAVORITE! It's just the drink that I don't like. :P


Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.