
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Just for Laughs :P

I think I found a job for myself! :D

I read in my God's World News magazine that an Austrian hotel is advertising for a modern-day court Jester.

"All applicants must be musical, creative, ingenious extroverts. And being a snappy dresser wouldn't hurt either, since zany costumes are encouraged at the job interview during which the candidates will be required to play an instrument. The hotel notes that the winner will earn around $1,900 a month."

LOL...okay, so I don't quite match up to standards (Ingenious extrovert? I don't think so. :P), but it made me chuckle how close I came to the description.


  1. Madi. This. Is. Perfect!

    Yes, you would do just great in this occupation!

    But... you'd need a sidekick and I can't think of a better one to recommend then... moi. :P Actually we could do a violin/piano or piano/piano routine and since we're both about the same size it would look symmetrical. I'm not super creative, but you can take care of that part while I tell all the jokes.

    What are we waiting for!? This is our big break!


    Yep. That's a plan.

    1. haha...why thank you! :D
      Yes, you could take care of the jokes better than I. Although...I can be rather funny when I'm in the mood. (At least I put myself in stitches! I am very good at amusing myself! :P)

      You make me smile, Bethany!

    2. Oh, I know you can be funny! Wasn't the Play-Mo-Be-Ul video living proof of that? The Robot, the French, the Motorcycle dude... etc. :P

    3. Yes, the robot is so funny it almost sends me into hysterics. I tell you, I can amuse myself quite well! :P Oh and my motorcycle dude is awesome!! He's always convincing peoples that they're dead and making them hopping mad! LOL ;)

  2. B-but, *sniff*, we'd m-miss you... :(
    (I know you're joking, but I thought I'd put that in, just so you know!)
    -Rebekah Eddy

    1. Aww...thanks! I'd miss y'all too!
      Don't worry, I have no intentions of moving to Austria. I still haven't mastered my Climb Every Mountain rendition! JK

  3. Hmmm.... I see a problem with this ad... After all, it's an Austrian job, but the salary is in US dollars???

    Let me know if you don't want this thing... I might just go after it... Except for the fact that the pay's a little low. Let's see, after the exchange rate to turn US dollars into Austrian whatevers, I'd be lucky if I could get an apartment! Oh yeah, and I'd like need a piano too!

    Haha! J/K!

    1. Well, seeing as how it was an article in an American magazine, it was probably translating the amount into US dollars so we would know how much we were making. If they put it in "Austrian whatevers" we wouldn't jump at the opportunity! :P

      You may come along with Bethany and Me and try out for the job. ;)

      IKR! It said you would be required to "play an instrument"...I was like...I can't just play *any* instrument! Unless of course you want it to be hilarious...then I could. :P

  4. Modern day court jester?!? Whaaaa??! Yeah... Fits you perfectly, madi!


Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.