
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Angel's Rest

So my brother and I were given the opportunity to go on a hike with some of his college friends. It was a beautiful day for it! We got to see, once again, God's glorious handiwork and an amazing view of the world.
I didn't take very many pics, but here are a few...

Sami in the driveway before we left the house. ;)
I just thought this looked cool :P
On the road!! (I was "just" direction lady ;)

Here's a rock piling that we stopped at to rest a bit. (A very little bit.) Some of those rocks were kinda loose too!

Looking down (the last pic was looking up the hill of rocks).

The view of the Columbia and WA from almost the top. (This hike was just barely into OR.)
Another view pic...

The crew that we went with.

Being crazy...I mean...normal. ;) (It's true! :P)

No, that kid's foot is not balancing on the rock behind just looks that way.

Me, Blake, and Caleb...

On the drive home (some of you may recognize what's across the water ;) there was a beautiful sunset! The picture doesn't even come close to capturing the beauty of it! I love it when Jesus sends me gorgeous views like that!! :D


  1. Hey, I can almost see my office in that last one! The most beautiful place on earth...

    Speaking of hikes, are you and/or Blake planning to go on the Silver Lakes one this weekend? Just curious. :)

    1. Yeah, I thought you might. :)
      I don't think I am...Blake might though. :D

  2. Looks like you all had a fun time together:) was that you're first time to hike in the Columbia Gorge? What college does your brother attend?

    1. Yes, I believe it was. :)
      Blake takes online classes through VCSU and Thomas Edison. (He may have met these people on CP though...I'm not really sure. :)

  3. Fun pictures! Oregon??? Hey, that's close to home. ;)
    I got a kick out of the fact that you were the "direction lady". A certain member of the family is notorious for being a back seat driver and he always gives us bad directions... :P I won't mention any names here. *cough, cough*

    1. Yes, I thought of you. :)
      LOL...just wait till he's a front seat driver! :P

    2. Humph... I just saw this... I'm sorry, I am not the problem... You remember, Bethany, I'm sure the time when we were in Seattle in two different cars and your car decided to go to Gig Harbor/Bremerton when our car was going to Tacoma? (the place we were supposed to go) Needless to say, my car went the right way.

      Okay, okay, so I've made a mistake or two in my backseat driving days (that's just because you can't see the road as well) But you have no idea how God has worked through me to keep us away from the car crashes and such! ;)

      Oh yeah, and if you want to mention that banquet last year, well, I wasn't that excited about going and even less excited about what was behind us! J/K (Do I dare say, read between the lines, Bethany?)


Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.