
Monday, May 13, 2013

Questionnaire ;)

  • Favorite person in history and why? History?? Blech... :P Jesus! It's His story!
  • Favorite scents? Sweet fresh stuff (coconut, flowers, cucumber melon, etc.)
  • What is your favorite Bible chapter, verse, or passage and why? Philippians 2:3-11         I love the challenge to be more humble and then the example given of Christ's humbleness in what He did for us on the cross! Then the glorious exaltation of His name and the promise that one day, every knee will just thrills my soul!! :D
  • Favorite season? Autumn!!
  • Favorite Genre of music (Baroque, Classical, Romantic, or 20th Century)? Romantic 
  • Favorite kinds of books? (i.e. fiction, history, etc.) Historical Fiction
  • For travel, do you prefer driving, flying, or train? Driving
  • Middle name? Kay
  • Favorite style of shoes? Flat soled boots
  • Ice cream or Mousse? ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
  • Favorite color combinations? Blue, purple, and gray or blue and brown  


  1. Hey, Madi, this was such a good idea!
    Do you mind if I do this on my blog?
    I think it's a good way for people reading your blog to get to know you better!

    1. Sure! I was supposed to tag people to do it, but at the time you didn't have a blog and I couldn't think of anyone who would do it. So go ahead!!:D


Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.